I firmly believe that God does not make mistakes. And so when I am told that I am a mistake, or that what I've done is a black mark on my society, I struggle with knowing what to say. I am human. I will and do make mistakes. But God doesn't. You can criticize me all you want. Heavens knows I probably deserve it and more. But don't blame God for my screwups. I take full responsibility for those. He is righteous, I am not

About Me

- RvL
- I’m from New York but my driver’s license lists that my address is Ohio. My passport has a number of stamps in it. I’m the youngest of six, yet oldest son. I have a number after my initials, but not my name. I like music. I like coffee, beer and bourbon. I am a follower of Jesus. I watch bonus features on DVD’s. For four months each year my wife and I are the same age. “I pledge allegiance to a country without borders, without politicians.” I am an ordained pastor, but don't currently have a church. I’ve eaten raw horse meat. I’m fifteen inches taller than my wife, but I look up to her. I still prefer buying CDs to downloading music. I’m a night owl, who doesn’t mind getting up early. I like to play games. I moved to another country nine days after my wedding. I sometimes quote random lyrics. I believe in miracles. I prefer desktops to laptops. I like listening to audio books. I watch Buffalo Bills and Sabres games. I have five sons. I'm living life mid sentence.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
We love you, but you really need to become who we want you to be. I've heard that so many times in life that I've lost count. We love you, but... Only a few times have I encountered friends who loved me in spite of who I was. The first one that comes to mind is the love of my life who I married. The second is a friend that spanned a few years and a few states.
I want to be the kind of friend who loves people even when they're screwed up. I want to be the friend who points them towards the right path but will stand with them no matter what path they go down. It's the type of friendship I see Jesus having. He knew Judas was stealing from him, but he gave him a second chance. He knew Peter would deny him, but that didn't stop him from loving him. He knew I would screw things up, but he still loves me.
I count myself as fortunate. In 40 years I've had two humans who loved me in spite of myself. My prayer is that I could spend my remaining days loving five people the way that those 2 have loved me. If that were to happen , I believe I could hear "well done good and faithful servant." And then I could rest.