About Me

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I’m from New York but my driver’s license lists that my address is Ohio. My passport has a number of stamps in it. I’m the youngest of six, yet oldest son. I have a number after my initials, but not my name. I like music. I like coffee, beer and bourbon. I am a follower of Jesus. I watch bonus features on DVD’s. For four months each year my wife and I are the same age. “I pledge allegiance to a country without borders, without politicians.” I am an ordained pastor, but don't currently have a church. I’ve eaten raw horse meat. I’m fifteen inches taller than my wife, but I look up to her. I still prefer buying CDs to downloading music. I’m a night owl, who doesn’t mind getting up early. I like to play games. I moved to another country nine days after my wedding. I sometimes quote random lyrics. I believe in miracles. I prefer desktops to laptops. I like listening to audio books. I watch Buffalo Bills and Sabres games. I have five sons. I'm living life mid sentence.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Opinions Ni Ban

God has a way of hitting a point home for me. As I finished writing my previous post, on opinions, I was listing to a CD of mine for the very first time and the following lyrics really hit home.

I won't take advice from cynics
I won't listen to the word of fools
Sure, everyone has their own take
On what I should do, but...
I will follow Your voice
I will follow Your voice
I will trust Your choice
I will not fear
I will follow Your voice
I will follow Your voice
Not my will but Yours
Be done here...

And, as a result of hearing that song I visited the band's website and stumbled upon a link to an upcoming movie. This line in the movie's extended trailer hit home a message again.

"In my experience, people who are confident in their ideas are not afraid of criticism..."

If this is true, that people who are "confident in their ideas" aren't worried or "afraid of critism" then it says a lot about those who've gone after my wife and I for our opinions recently.